Beth Torah’s Women’s Group


Jewish Unforgettable Ladies Interested in Eating Together

What is it?

Our mission statement:  Inspired by Jewish values, we bring women together for friendship and learning. We offer support to Congregation Beth Torah and the wider Jewish community. It is a social and educational group, not a sisterhood.       

When do we meet?

All meetings occur at 12:30 p.m. on a Sunday, usually the last one of each month. You will be notified by email if we have to change the date.

Who can become a JULIET?

All Jewish women + non-Jewish wives of Jewish spouses are eligible. CBT membership is not required, so bring your friends, even if they are not members of our congregation. This group is for women of all ages and the programs will vary to reflect that philosophy. 

What does a typical meeting look like?

 We start promptly at 12:30 p.m. The first 30 minutes are for shmoozing and eating lunch. Each woman brings her own sack lunch and CBT will provide beverages, paper goods and plastic cutlery. The next 60 minutes is for our program, which usually includes a guest speaker. 

What does it cost?

Nothing! Congregation Beth Torah is sponsoring JULIETs, so there will be no charge for the first year of operation. At that time, we will reevaluate our financial status.

Our January Program

Geeks For Kids - Giving Kids with Movement Limitations the Power2Play.

Kids with movement disabilities often sit on the sidelines, able only to watch others play. Geeks for Kids has built over 300 custom electric cars and thousands of assistive devices for each child’s specific needs to get the kids racing. Everything they build is delivered at no cost to the recipient family! Geeks for Kids gives the children the ability to play independently, often for the first time in their lives.

Join JULIETs at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 26 as we learn more about Geeks for Kids.

Please be prompt and bring your lunch or a snack.

Reservations required by January 23. Feel free to bring a Jewish female friend (or a non-Jewish woman who is married to someone Jewish). To RSVP, email Susie Klinock at or call the office.


DATE: Sunday, January 26
TIME: 12:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Beth Torah


All our events are free.

This is the place for Jewish women of all ages to learn something, meet old acquaintances and discover new friends. Remember: J = Jewish, U = Unforgettable, L = Ladies, I = Interested in, E = Eating, T = Together

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED By August 22. To reserve your spot, call the office or email Susie Klinock. (