Have a Heart, Save a Life!

Register here to donate blood
with Beth Torah at our
Spring Blood Drive on May 7!

2:00 P.m.-6:00 p.m.

(Slots are already being reserved! Get yours Now!)

Community Blood Center serves over 60 hospitals in over 70 counties in Missouri and Kansas.

In March of 2023, Community Blood Center declared the first blood emergency of the year. According to our own Jim Kaplan, the shortages have not abated. The blood emergency is due to several evolving factors including cold and flu season, a high number of lapsed blood donors and a decrease in first-time donors. In January, CBC received 2,000 fewer blood donations than the year prior and blood donations are below hospital and patient needs. The number of blood donations still are not back to pre-pandemic levels.

Compounding the problem is a continued lag in first-time and youth donors, which remain about half of pre-pandemic levels.

If you are unable to make it to a Beth Torah Blood Drive, please consider donating another time. Watch here for our next drive, or visit one of CBC's 7 Community Blood Center locations. If you give the code: 7B when you arrive at the registration desk, your donation will count towards the Beth Torah.

Upcoming Beth Torah Blood Drives:

Fall Blood Drive: Sunday, November 10

Winter Blood Drive: Wednesday, February 5

Spring Blood Drive: Wednesday, May 7

Why Give Blood?

Community Blood Center must collect almost 600 units of blood daily to meet the needs of area hospital patients. As there is no substitute for blood, we rely on volunteer donors like you to supply the life-saving blood and blood components to hospitals in Kansas and Missouri.

38 CBT Members & Friends donated blood at our last Summer Blood Drive, including Rabbi Mark Levin and Jim Decker! Let’s get even more this summer!

Thanks to Jennifer Savner Levinson for organizing the Blood Drive for the Community Blood Center of Kansas City!